We are thrilled to announce that FOSTER is opening our first Office and Flag Ship Store.
FOSTER started as an idea back in March of 2020, a few months later, FOSTER was launched as a small business.
Through the past two and half years, FOSTER has made great strides as we cultivate our brand and develop product lines. Each day we strive to reach new customers and create touch points with our current ones. This has allowed us to create a deep community around FOSTER that has supported our growth month after month.
Today, we are excited to say that we have reached maximum capacity and must expand. It is a good feeling to watch our company grow slowly, one day at a time, until one day you wake up and you see the strides, not steps, you have made.
Kim and I are blessed with a team of hard-working women who have helped us along the way. Without them, we would be drowning in to-do lists and lack time to focus on what we do best.
Our new office is set to open in December 2022. This space will serve as our daily office and creation area, as well as our warehouse and flagship store. The space opened up at a perfect time for our business. The space will offer a beautiful shopping experience in the front for walk-in customers, while the back opens up into shipping and packaging areas. Our offices will offer us a great area to reorganize, create, and build what we believe so greatly in, FOSTER.
We cannot wait to share what the space looks like, as we are busy designing and planning.
Thank you, FOSTER community.
With love,
Frances and Kim